Power your heart, body + mind 2020 & beyond

December 24, 2019

Power your heart, body + mind 2020 & beyond

Island Bazaar partnered with Tiny Hearts of Maldives as our Island Loop initiative for the final quarter of 2019. For more details about Island Loop please go to the link on our website footer.

The journal post is part of this initiative, to shed some light on to some of the wonderful works these charities do.

The blog post was prepared by the Tiny Hearts of Maldives.



Power your heart, body and mind 2020 and beyond

As we prepare to welcome a new year (and new decade!) we reflect on the little things we can do to live healthier, happier and become more resilient in a modern age where life is increasingly becoming less manual and more sedentary. We embark on making 2020 the start of a lifelong journey to be more aware of the choices we make everyday and make these choices ones that enhance and enable our hearts, bodies and minds to be happier and healthier.

Here we share some tips on the little things we can do that can eventually add up to make a big difference on the long run for optimal health and wellbeing.


  • Move more

Make exercise a regular part of your life. Choose active options when given a choice (stairs vs elevator; bicycle or walking vs motor vehicle; pachas or faigathalhaa vs TV games). Know how much physical activity is needed for your age per day or per week. If you are currently inactive, start with a little bit of exercise and gradually build it up into your routine. Find what works for you. Be persistent and make it part of your everyday life.


  • Sit less

Sedentary behaviour and sitting for prolonged periods are associated with increased risks of several Noncommunicable diseases and risk factors. Take regular standing or walking breaks to energise your body and mind every 60 minutes (even 30 minutes is long enough!).


  • Eat to fuel your body

That is lots of vegetables and fruits, a balance of fish, lean meats, a variety of grains, lentils and beans. Be wary of your salt and sugar intake. Try to avoid processed foods, energy drinks, sugary and fizzy drinks and alcohol. Make water your drink of choice and drink lots and lots of it!


  • Maintain a healthy weight

A healthy weight puts you in a better position to enjoy optimal health gains wherever in life you may be; whether you are preparing for A levels or university exams, trying out a new sport, planning to have a baby or are recovering from an injury/illness. It also lowers the risk of several diseases including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and many cancers, and promotes your overall health.


Calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index):

Divide your weight (in kilograms) by your height squared (in meters). For most healthy adults, the ideal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9Kg/m2


  • Protect yourself from tobacco

Within a year of stopping smoking, your risk of coronary heart disease will drop by 50% and returns to a normal level over time. Second hand smoke increases your risk of heart attack significantly. Avoid smoky environments. It’s a better choice for everyone!


  • Start them early!

Did you know that babies need exercise? Start them as early as 0 years. Find out what the physical activity recommendations are for your child’s age and integrate it to the daily routine. Nurture the love for healthy active living as a family to create lasting change. It’s not only healthy, but is fun and can be great for bonding too.


  • Listen to your body

Love yourself and love your heart. Listen to the little signals your body sends. Sometimes a little bit of stretching, a walk outdoors, a breather by the beach, or a cup of tea and rest, goes a long way. Make time to take care of yourself and to power your heart.


  • Reflect on the positives

Keep track of your achievements and progress in your journey to healthy happy living and be proud of what you do for your own and your family’s health and wellbeing.


Resources on Cardiovascular Health:



Tiny Hearts of Maldives are grateful to Island Bazaar for Island Loop; their kind initiative to contribute a percentage of profits to charities; and are humbled to be selected as the first non-profit organisation to be featured.



We wish you good health, happiness, compassion and love in 2020 and beyond


With love,

Tiny Hearts of Maldives

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